Before you make a complaint:

  1. Check the purchase document to see if the product is under warranty. If not, contact us and we will come up with a solution.
  2. If the product was purchased at another store, contact your dealer.
Before you send a complaint:
  1. Make sure that the product is not mechanically damaged and there is no visible corrosion. Never ship mechanically damaged batteries. There is a risk of fire.
  2. Always send mid-drives without accessories (cranks, chainring).
  3. Ship the products completely cleaned.
  4. If you use your own power connector, install the original connector that came with the product before submitting a complaint.
  5. Pack the promotional items carefully.
If you have any questions about your complaint or you do not know the advice, you can first call us at +420 775 278 273 before creating or sending a complaint.
Address for sending a complaint:
Českobrodská 7/34, Prague 9, 190 00
Czech Republic

Complaint form


Complaint form

Please provide a detailed description
(address to send the claimed product back)

Return address

Please send the package to:

Českobrodská 7/34, Prague 9, 190 00
Czech Republic